Ector County ISD Holds Groundbreaking Ceremony for new Middle School in West Odessa

West Odessa/West Ector County/January 16, 2025-The Ector County Independent School District held a groundbreaking ceremony for the new middle school that will be located in the area of South Tripp Ave and Hutson in West Ector County in West Odessa. ECISD School Board Trustees and officials with Ector County participated in the special ceremony. 

(Dr. Keylee Boyer, Interim Superintendent, Ector County ISD/Odessa, Texas) 

Several elementary schools in West Ector County Murray Fly, G.E. Buddy West Elementary, Cavazos, Edward K. Downing Elementary will be feeding into the new middle School 

(Dr. Keylee Boyer, Interim Superintendent, Ector County ISD/Odessa, Texas) 

The new middle school is part of Bond 2023’s Proposition A and will be the first middle school built outside of Loop 338 and the first middle school built since 1981. 

(Sara Moore, Co-Chair Bond PAC-Odessans For A Brighter Future) 

The new middle school will be approximately 194,794 square feet. The estimated cost of the school is about $120 million dollars, and will serve several thousand students.  

For DRB Media Communications Digital News, Danny Barrera. 


Author: Danny Barrera

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