Odessa City Council Holds Special Staurday Work Session at the Odessa Marriott Hotel & Conference Center

Odessa, Texas/January 12, 2025-On Saturday, January 11th, the Odessa City Council held a special work session at the Odessa Marriott Hotel and conference Center. Every
department within city government presented updates to the council. The
common issue is a shortage of workers and staff and a low PayScale and problems with building infrastructure.

(Cal Hendrick, Odessa Mayor-City of Odessa, Texas)
The 2023 audit that has caused an issue for the City of Odessa was discussed during the work session. 

(Cal Hendrick, Odessa Mayor-City of Odessa, Texas)
The City’s IT department during their presentation assured the Odessa City Council that the Cyber-attack was contained and the City of Odessa is secure.
(Richard Morton, Interim City Manager- City of Odessa, Texas)
 The City’s Utilities Director presented to the city council the water plant and other water issues currently affecting the city as well as projects that the city of Odessa is engaged in. 

(Craig Stoker, Odessa City Councilman At-Large-City of Odessa, Texas) 

The Odessa City Council may consider to continue Saturday 

work session to bring the residents and local government together. 

(Eddie Mitchell-Odessa City Councilman, District 1- City of Odessa, Texas) 

 For DRB Media Communications Digital News, Danny Barrera.