Odessa, Texas/April 22, 2022-The Odessa Family YMCA and Superior HealthPlan announced a partnership between both organizations in opening a HYGIENE CLOSET for the community. This closet will be open to the public on the first Friday of every month, beginning May 6th. Following the presentation, a ribbon cutting ceremony was held with representatives of the Odessa Family YMCA and Superior HealthPlan
(Crissy Medina, CEO/President-Odessa Family YMCA)
The $5 thousand dollar grant provides basic hygiene products for families and individuals such as: deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes and other items, as well laundry soap and cleaning supplies. These items will be stocked in the hygiene closet located inside the Odessa Family YMCA.
(Jonathan Edwards, Chairman-Odessa Family YMCA)
(Gerardo Arzate, Board member-Odessa Family YMCA)
Anyone who needs assistant with hygiene or cleaning supplies come to the Odessa Family YMCA and fill out a form provided by the Y.
(Crissy Medina, CEO/President-Odessa Family YMCA)
For more information or if you have questions regarding this community outreach program, contact the Odessa Family YMCA at 432-362-4301.