Odessa Fire Rescue Pinning Ceremony

Odessa, Texas/February 9, 2025-Odessa Fire Rescue under the leadership of Fire Chief Jason Cotton, held a pinning ceremony on Friday, February 7th. New Inspectors with the Fire Marshal’s Office along with new cadets and new certified members of Odessa Fire Rescue were recognized. 

(Jason Cotton, Fire Chief-Odessa Fire Rescue/Odessa, Texas) 

Students who are enrolled in firefighting classes at Odessa High School and at Permian High School and at the fire academies at Odessa College and Midland College are eligible for hire at Odessa Fire Rescue. 

(Jason Cotton, Fire Chief-Odessa Fire Rescue/Odessa, Texas) 

Retired OFR firefighters that were present at the pinning ceremony were also recognized. 

For DRB Media Communications Digital News, Danny Barrera. 

Ector County Judge and Ector County Commissioners Hold New Courthouse Work session

Odessa, Texas/February 5, 2025-The Ector County Commissioners engaged in a workshop focused on the design of the proposed new Ector County Courthouse building project, that will be located downtown between 2nd & 3rd Streets on Texas Street and also East of Texas Street.  

(Billy Hall, Ector County Commissioner, Pct. 4-Ector County/Odessa, Texas) 

Design Build Services and Specifications along with Parker-Hill presented information to the Ector County Judge, Dustin Fawcett and the Ector County Commissioners on the building infrastructure including offices, courtrooms and estimated project costs of the Courthouse building project  

(Dustin Fawcett, Ector County Judge-Ector County/Odessa, Texas) 

Prior to the workshop session, an agenda item that the Ector County 

Commissioners Court addressed in Executive Session then voted on unanimously in public session was the termination of the Ector County Human Resources Director Roger Primera. 

For DRB Media Communications Digital News, Danny Barrera. 


Odessa Police Department Parking Garage Demolition Now Underway

Odessa, Texas/January 26, 2025-The 42-year-old Odessa Police Department’s two-story parking garage is currently being demolished. Due to its age, pieces of the structure started breaking off causing safety concerns. 

(Cpl. Steve LeSueur, Public Information Officer-Odessa Police Department/Odessa, Texas)  

In 2023 the previous Odessa City Council approved the demolition of the OPD parking garage. The current City Council will soon discuss the next phase regarding the structure. 

(Cpl. Steve LeSueur, Public Information Officer-Odessa Police Department/Odessa, Texas) 

Parking near and around the Odessa Police Department and Municipal Court has become a problem for residents needing to visit these locations. 

(Cpl. Steve LeSueur, Public Information Officer-Odessa Police Department/Odessa, Texas) 

Complete demolition of the Odessa Police Department Parking Garage should be completed within the next several months. 

For DRB Media Communications Digital News, Danny Barrera. 



ECISD implements Principal Incentive Allotment program

Odessa, Texas/January 23, 2025-On Wednesday, January 22nd Ector County ISD opened a new talent development pipeline, becoming the first school district in Texas to implement a Principal Incentive Allotment program that awards significant dollars to effective principals. 

(Raquel Rodriguez, Principal-Ross Elementary, Ector County ISD/Odessa, Texas) 

(Miach Arrott, Principal-Pease Elementary, Ector County ISD/Odessa, Texas) 

The first 5 recipients of the PIA were announced during a leadership team meeting. Four principals received a PIA check for $15,000 dollars. One principal received a PIA Check for $20,000. 

(Jennie Chavez, Principal-Noel Elementary, Ector County ISD/Odessa, Texas) 

(Delesa Styles, Principal-Permian High School, Ector County ISD/Odessa, Texas) 

The Principal Incentive Allotment program rewards principals based on student performance, and is a catalyst in fortifying strong leadership within ECISD schools. 

(Dr. Zenovia Crier, Principal-LBJ Elementary, Ector County ISD/Odessa, Texas) 

The Permian Strategic Partnership has pledged $100, 000 dollars to the principal Incentive Allotment program per year for the next 3 years. 

For DRB Media Communications Digital News, Danny Barrera.  

West Texas Associated General Contractors Donate $1000 in Tools to ECISD Frost Technical Center

Odessa, Texas/January 19, 2025-The West Texas Associated General Contractors recently held a special presentation of tools worth $1000 dollars and were donated to the ECISD Career & Technical programs at the Ector County ISD Frost Technical Center at 104 S. Grandview. 

(Scott Hughes, Executive Director-AGC-West Texas Associated General Contractors/West Texas Chapter) 

Workforce development in the commercial construction industry is at a severity. Men and women are needed to come in to the commercial construction industry to be part of the workforce on the construction sites to complete construction projects and constructions schedules. 

(Scott Hughes, Executive Director-AGC-West Texas Associated  General Contractors/West Texas Chapter) 

Students who sign up for the elective building trades classes at the Frost Technology Center have family members in the building and construction trades and were excited to receive the tools from West Texas AGC. 

(Sherman Haller, Frost Technology Center Teacher-Ector County ISD/Odessa, Texas) 

Other school districts that will soon receive tools from West Texas Associated General Contractors are Midland ISD, Lubbock-Cooper ISD, Lubbock ISD, Abilene ISD and Jim Ned ISD. 

For DRB Media Communications Digital News, Danny Barrera. 

Ector County ISD Holds Groundbreaking Ceremony for new Middle School in West Odessa

West Odessa/West Ector County/January 16, 2025-The Ector County Independent School District held a groundbreaking ceremony for the new middle school that will be located in the area of South Tripp Ave and Hutson in West Ector County in West Odessa. ECISD School Board Trustees and officials with Ector County participated in the special ceremony. 

(Dr. Keylee Boyer, Interim Superintendent, Ector County ISD/Odessa, Texas) 

Several elementary schools in West Ector County Murray Fly, G.E. Buddy West Elementary, Cavazos, Edward K. Downing Elementary will be feeding into the new middle School 

(Dr. Keylee Boyer, Interim Superintendent, Ector County ISD/Odessa, Texas) 

The new middle school is part of Bond 2023’s Proposition A and will be the first middle school built outside of Loop 338 and the first middle school built since 1981. 

(Sara Moore, Co-Chair Bond PAC-Odessans For A Brighter Future) 

The new middle school will be approximately 194,794 square feet. The estimated cost of the school is about $120 million dollars, and will serve several thousand students.  

For DRB Media Communications Digital News, Danny Barrera.