Odessa, Texas/March 1, 2024-Recently the City of Odessa held a soft groundbreaking ceremony at the new site of the Odessa Sports Complex. City Officials and Dignitaries attended the special ceremony. This project has been in the works for several decades.
(Denise Swanner, City Council Member At-Large-Odessa City Council/Odessa, Texas)
The Odessa Sports Complex will include up to 20 volleyball courts, 10 basketball courts, baseball and soccer fields.
(Mark Mata, City Councilman, District 1-Odessa City Council/Odessa, Texas)
The approximately 100-thousand square foot Sports Complex will be a Public-Private Partnership with an estimated cost of about 70 million dollars. It is estimated that the complex will generate millions of dollars through sporting events
(Javier Joven, Mayor-City of Odessa, Texas)
Larry Bell and his family donated 100 acres of land within the Parks Bell Ranch Master Development to begin the Odessa Sports Complex.
(Larry Bell, President-Legacy Partners/Bell Family Charities-Amy Bell Foundation )
For DRB Media Communications Digital News, Danny Barrera.