Hispanic Heritage of Odessa and L U L A C Present Señoritas Hispanas 2024 at Odessa College
Odessa, Texas/April 13, 2024-Odessa College recently hosted Senoritas Hispanas 2024 an event sponsored by Hispanic Heritage of Odessa and L.U.L.A.C. Female students from secondary schools from Ector County ISD participated in the empowerment workshop that covered topics that included: personal finances, art, self-forgiveness.
(Liliana Marquez, President-Hispanic Heritage of Odessa/Odessa, Texas)
Odessa College Wrangle Promise Director and the Financial Aid Director introduced to the workshop participants the Wrangler Promise and what financial aid is and the importance of having a plan as students prepare for college.
(Jessica Gomez, Director of Financial Aid-Odessa College, Odessa/Texas)
Scholarships are available to eligible graduating students on any career path as well as focusing on careers that will contribute to the workforce in the Permian Basin and West Texas.
(Roxanne Mitchell, Director of Wrangle Promise-Odessa College/Odessa, Texas)
For DRB Media Communications Digital News, Danny Barrera.