Ector County Will Issue Debit Cards for Jury Duty Beginning Late May or Early June

Odessa, Texas/April 14, 2023-During the Ector County Commissioners meeting on April 11th, the court approved the use of debit cards for payment instead of mailing out paper checks to those individuals who were summoned for jury duty. The debit cards will be issued towards the end of May or beginning of June. 

(Clarissa Webster, Ector County Clerk, Ector County/Odessa, Texas) 

The cost of processing a payment with a paper check is between $1.30 and $1.40. The cost to Ector County for issuing a debit card for jury duty will be .99 cents. 

(Clarissa Webster, Ector County Clerk, Ector County/Odessa, Texas) 

Recently, certain people have tried to pass fraudulent checks through the Ector County’s bank account. The debit card is a better way for the county to prevent fraud. 

(Clarissa Webster, Ector County Clerk, Ector County/Odessa, Texas) 

When jurors sign in, they still have the option to donate their payment from jury duty to any of the approved charities that have been selected by Ector County. 

For DRB Media Communications Digital News, Danny Barrera. 


Author: Danny Barrera

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