Ector County Republican Women Club Welcomes Sherronna Bishop “America’s Mom” and Dr. Scott Muri, Superintendent of Schools-ECISD

Odessa, Texas/May 18, 2023-The Ector County Republican Women’s Club held their monthly meeting at the Odessa Country Club. Members heard a presentation and school updates from Dr. Scott Muri, Superintendent of Schools at Ector County ISD. 

(Scott Muri, Superintendent of Schools-Ector County ISD/Odessa, Texas) 

Dr. Muri informed the Ector County republican Women’s Club, that the State of Texas currently has a 32.5-billion-dollar surplus that school districts across the state would like to get a portion of the budget surplus. 

(Scott Muri, Superintendent of Schools-Ector County ISD/Odessa, Texas) 

The Ector County Republican Womens Club featured guest speaker Sherrona Bishop, “America’s Mom,” a constitutional conservative, who defends core values of those who do not want to lose the freedoms and rights of all citizens who live in the United States of America. 

(Sherronna Bishop, “AMERICA’S MOM”) 

Sherronna Bishop is an advocate for parental rights, she brings hope and inspiration to those who feel arrested by the political correctness and false narratives. 

(Sherronna Bishop, “AMERICA’S MOM”) 

 If you’re interested in following Sherronna Bishop go to social media platforms for information and commentary. 

(Sherronna Bishop, “AMERICA’S MOM”) 

For DRB Media Communications Digital News, Danny Barrera 


Author: Danny Barrera

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