Odessa, Texas/December 21, 2022-The Chief Executive Officer of Ajuuas Mexican Restaurant along with officials with Odessa Fire Rescue provide a Christmas lunch for Odessa Firefighter and Odessa Police Department.
(Julian Rubio, CEO/Ajuuas Mexican Restaurant-Odessa, Texas)
Odessa is unique, in that, businesses and residents support Odessa Fire Rescue, Public Communications and the Odessa Police Department, Ector County Sheriff’s Office, and other first responders.
(Michelle Cervantes, Fire Marshal-Odessa Fire Rescue/Odessa, Texas)
Approximately 150 Odessa Firefighters enjoyed red or green cheese enchiladas with rice and beans and cookies. Officers with the Odessa Police Department were able to stop by the Odessa Central Fire Station and pick up “to go” boxes.
For DRB Media Communications Digital News, Danny Barrera.