5th Annual ECISD District Police Operation Blue Santa
Odessa, Texas/December 24, 2024-The ECISD Police along with Student Crime Stoppers and community sponsors held the 5th Annual Blue Santa event. Volunteers helped Blue Santa load up presents into ECISD Police vehicles to make delivers to 11 families.
(Terry Upchurch, Lieutenant-District Police/Ector County ISD-Odessa, Texas)
Operation Blue Santa starts the week after Thanksgiving. ECISD Officers begin accepting donations, looking for sponsors and identifying families in need.
(Terry Upchurch, Lieutenant-District Police/Ector County ISD-Odessa, Texas)
Blue Santa and his volunteers brought the joy of Christmas to ECISD school age children and family in West Odessa.
(Blue Santa)
Operation Blue Santa is a way to bring the magic of Christmas to children of the Ector County Independent School of District.
For DRB Media Communications Digital News, Danny Barrera.